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At Skinners’ Academy, we value every member of our community’s wellbeing. We believe that for a school to be a success everyone must feel wellness – mentally as well as physically. Our aim is to create and maintain an environment in which all feel supported to be the best they can be. Early identification, clear guidance and safe spaces for discussion of mental health will form the backbone of our wellbeing practice. We do not aim to eradicate distress, this would be impossible, but our aim is for Skinners’ Academy to be a place where all feel encouraged and empowered to share struggles, find solutions and receive ongoing strategies for continued wellbeing – free from stigma and in the spirit of shared humanity.


Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. (World Health Organisation – 2014)


Key safeguarding and pastoral contacts
All staff have a responsibility to promote the mental health of pupils and the members of staff below have a specific, relevant remit:

  • Ben Howe (Assistant Principal) – Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Clare DeJode (Head of Student Services) – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Catherine Carroll (Academy Nurse) – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Lisa Hunte (Academy Counsellor)


Wellbeing at the Academy


“Be the best you can” is the Academy motto and is one which certainly also applies to the area of wellness. At the Academy, we currently and are always further seeking to:

  • Promote positive mental health in all staff and pupils

  • Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues

  • Alert staff to early warning signs of mental ill health

  • Provide support to staff working with young people with mental health issues

  • Provide support to students suffering mental ill health and their peers and parents/carers


For years, we have supported a range of wellbeing initiatives for pupils (including Time to Talk etc.) and we are now actively escalating that commitment to support staff wellbeing. Our focus on staff wellbeing involves research; staff training and development; auditing needs, opinions and suggestions from staff; creating increased wellbeing opportunities and much more.


Information & Support – Useful Links
Childline |    

Advice, information, and you can talk to a counsellor online over the phone or online


Samaritans | |

Open 24 hours a day. 365 days a year to talk about anything that is troubling you


Young Minds |

Information about mental health and emotional well-being


The Mix | 

All aspects of support and information for under 25s


Young Hackney |

Website for young people who live or go to school in Hackney with info and details of where to get advice and support.


Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre | |

Intercultural therapy for over 18s


One in Four | |

Supporting people who have experienced childhood abuse and trauma


Mental Health Out of Hours Emergency Line | 020 8432 8020    


In a mental health emergency you can call the Mental Health Out of Hours emergency Line 020 8432 8020; or you can visit A&E at Homerton University Hospital, Homerton Row, Hackney, E9 6SR. Tel: 020 8510 8980. If you or someone else is in danger of harm, dial 999 in an emergency. In a non-emergency dial 111 for medical advice or 101 to contact the police.














Mental health during childhood and adolescence is very important. Difficulties like anxiety and depression can start when people are young and it is important for young people and their families to understand these difficulties and get support when needed.


The PIPA Trial is exploring the effectiveness of an online resource for parents/carers to help reduce depression and anxiety in young people. The trial is being coordinated by the University of Warwick and involves families of young people aged 11-15 years from schools in the UK.


The trial is free and conducted completely online. Eligible parents/carers and young people will be asked to complete some questionnaires. Parents/carers will then receive access to some online parenting resources: either the standard educational package of factsheets or the personalised programme with up to nine modules. Parents/carers and young people will also be asked to complete some follow-up questionnaires.


The sign up letter here and the poster here contain more information. If you have any questions, please speak to Ms Adediran or contact the PIPA trial team at or 02476574316/02476575078.





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