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Our sixth form offers a wide range of courses, both academic and vocational, taught by inspirational and dedicated teachers. We provide a dedicated sixth form centre where students can both socialise and undertake individual study. In this environment, students can achieve highly on the condition that they work hard and remain committed to their studies. With an array of extracurricular activities, excellent UCAS guidance and careers advice, our students are given an excellent platform for future success.


If you are serious about attending a sixth form where you will be challenged and supported to be the best you can, you’re in the right place.



Principal's Message

Welcome to Skinners’ Academy Sixth form. We are an inclusive community providing a positive, rich and stimulating learning environment for all of its students. We have a large body of highly skilled and motivated staff who understand well how students learn best, and who provide the right balance of pastoral support and academic challenge to ensure success for all.


We are intentional about our curriculum offer; we give students the authentic experiences to help them to develop into passionate mathematicians, nurses, teachers, business entrepreneurs and everything else in between.


Our purpose built Sixth Form area is equipped with its own common room and IT suite. Students, in our Sixth Form have increased leadership responsibilities as we help prepare them for the world of work or higher education.


We strive to ensure that all who come into our care, are equipped with the skills and knowledge to contribute successfully in society. We want our young people to be the best they can, so we prepare them to be confident, independent and productive world citizen


Ms James, Principal




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