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'Be the best you can'


Our Mission:

The Principal and Governors at Skinners’ Academy believe that all children will be the best they can by working in active partnership with the Academy to achieve excellence for themselves and the wider community. The Academy will provide the necessary prerequisite skills, knowledge and experiences for children to ensure they have the opportunities to succeed. Not only will our young people be successful and productive citizens but, they will be a source of influence in the society that they live in, ensuring that they make sustainable and authentic contributions for future generations.


Skinners' 6 (Our Values):

Be Curious - We will ask the right questions, learn from others, and look for ways to work smarter.

Be Cooperative - We will work in partnership with others to achieve our goals.

Be Determined - We will see challenges as obstacles that we can overcome. We will not give up.

Be Kind - We will be generous with our time and resources; we will show empathy.

Be Respectful - We are committed to upholding the values of equality and inclusion. We will not tolerate 

                           prejudice in any form.

Be Outstanding - Exceptionally good; this is what we strive for 100% of the time.



Our Specialism:

In our commitment to ensuring that our young people are not only prepared for every step of their learning journey but that they also have the agency to influence their future, we believe that Enterprise forms a crucial role in realising this. As an Academy we will ensure that students understand the skills of Enterprise and that they can use these effectively to carve out their desired futures.


“Enterprise is about motivating young people to learn and excel in their education and to see the relevance of their studies. It is more than the creation of entrepreneurs, it is about a can-do and positive attitude and equipping people with the confidence to develop ambitious career and vocational interests. Enterprise therefore supports the development of a wide range of work and professional skills and capabilities, including resilience, risk taking, creativity and innovation, as well as a self-belief that starting a business is a viable career choice and one of the most exciting and challenging things a person will ever do.”

- Lord Young 2014


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