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Thank you for your interest in Skinners’ Academy.

The KS4 Curriculum can be accessed below.


Our approach to the curriculum is compliant with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 which makes the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities and/or special educational needs


Compulsory Subjects

English - Information | Curriculum Map

Mathematics - Information | Curriculum Map

Combined Science - Information | Curriculum Map

PSHEE/Core PE - Information | Curriculum Map Core PE



EBacc Options

French - Information | Curriculum Map

Geography - Information | Curriculum Map

History - Information | Curriculum Map

Spanish - Information | Curriculum Map



GCSE Options

Triple Science - Information | Curriculum Maps Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Art, Craft & Design - Information | Curriculum Map

Business Studies - Information | Curriculum Map

Computer Science - Information | Curriculum Map

(DT) Resistant Materials - Information | Curriculum Map

Drama - Information | Curriculum Map

Music - Information | Curriculum Map

Physical Education - Information | Curriculum Map

Religious Studies - Information | Curriculum Map

Textiles - Information | Curriculum Map



Vocational Options

Creative iMedia - Information | Curriculum Map

Hospitality & Catering - Information | Curriculum Map

Music - Information | Curriculum Map




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